Baking Brad

Nostalgia: A 90s Web Developer's Perspective

January 23, 2024

Nostalgia: A 90s Web Developer

As someone who lived and breathed web development in the 90s, I couldn't help but smile when I stumbled upon Zach Holman's hilarious take on "Only 90s Developers." It's a delightful trip down memory lane, where we reminisce about the wild and wonderful world of web development during that era.

Read Zach Holman's post (published almost a decade ago): Only 90s Developers

Nostalgic Flashbacks

The article brilliantly captures the essence of those days when we relied on odd HTML tricks like:

  • <marquee> tags for scrolling text that caught everyone's attention.
  • <font> elements for setting custom typefaces, because web fonts were a distant dream.
  • <table> layouts, our trusty toolkit for crafting pixel-perfect designs in the absence of CSS.
  • Blinking text to add that extra bit of pizzazz to our web pages.

The Geocities Era

Remember the Geocities days when we proudly showcased our web prowess on themed pages? We painstakingly curated our collections of MIDI music, guestbooks, and blinking text. Those were the days when <table> layouts were our go-to tool for crafting pixel-perfect designs.

The Browser Wars

We also navigated the turbulent waters of the "Browser Wars" - Netscape vs. Internet Explorer. It was a time when browser compatibility meant wrestling with CSS hacks and JavaScript workarounds to make our sites look good in both camps.

Relive the 90s with a smile: Read Zach Holman's post and join me in celebrating the quirky and innovative spirit of web development in that unforgettable era.

Tags: 90s web development, Odd HTML tricks, Geocities era, Browser Wars, Zach Holman article, Web development nostalgia, Classic web design, 90s internet culture