Baking Brad

Revolutionizing Food: A Yellowstone Microbe's Journey from Hot Springs to Supermarkets

March 3, 2024

Revolutionizing Food: A Yellowstone Microbe

Nature's Fynd: The Sustainable Protein Startup Fueled by a Yellowstone Discovery

In an exploration reminiscent of a quest for extraterrestrial life, a NASA researcher's discovery of a unique microbe in Yellowstone has catalyzed a transformation in how we approach food production on Earth. Nature's Fynd, the startup born from this discovery, is redefining sustainability in the food industry with its revolutionary protein source, Fusarium str. Yellowstonensis. This development not only offers a versatile, environmentally friendly alternative to traditional protein sources but also highlights the ingenuity of using nature's untapped resources to address global food challenges. Garnering attention for its potential on Earth as well as for future space missions, this innovation promises a leap forward in our quest for sustainable and nutritious food solutions.

Read the full story here: How a Microbe From Yellowstone's Hot Springs Could Help Feed the World


  • Nature's Fynd was inspired by a NASA researcher’s discovery of a unique microbe in Yellowstone, highlighting the value of preserving and exploring natural habitats.
  • The startup's innovative fermentation process showcases a scalable solution for producing alternative proteins with less environmental impact than traditional livestock farming.
  • By transforming the Fusarium str. Yellowstonensis into a variety of food products, Nature's Fynd underscores the role of biotechnology in addressing food sustainability.
  • Proving the microbe's adaptability by even growing it in microgravity, the company strengthens the case for the potential of biotech breakthroughs in both Earth’s and space’s future nutritional needs.
  • Nature's Fynd collaboration with prestigious chefs and expansion into various retail outlets exemplify how innovative food technology can achieve both high culinary standards and consumer accessibility.
  • The emphasis on producing a 'complete protein' from a single source could revolutionize the perception and adoption of plant-based proteins.

In a groundbreaking scientific endeavor, NASA researcher Mark Kozubal discovered a microbe thriving in the harsh conditions of Yellowstone's hot springs. This discovery not only shed light on the robustness of extreme life forms but engendered the foundation for Nature's Fynd, a startup poised to revolutionize the food industry. Utilizing the microbe, identified as Fusarium str. Yellowstonensis, the company developed an innovative protein synthesis process. This process, named liquid-air surface fermentation, could imitate the microbe's natural growth environment, thus providing a sustainable and efficient method to produce a high-quality protein source.

Nature's Fynd, leveraging this microbial protein, embarked on creating a range of food products that offered a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional meat and dairy products. Starting with meatless burgers and extending to dairy-free products, the company demonstrated the versatility and adaptability of the microbe-derived protein. This development aligns with growing consumer demand for environmentally friendly and ethical food options, positioning Nature's Fynd at the forefront of the food industry's shift towards sustainability. Their products have garnered attention from both consumers and culinary professionals, emphasizing the potential of biotechnology to address global food security and environmental challenges.

Beyond its implications for terrestrial food systems, the discovery has significant potential for space exploration and the future of human spaceflight. Recognizing fungi as an overlooked food source, NASA's Deep Space Food Challenge highlighted the importance of innovative food solutions for long-duration missions. Furthermore, Nature's Fynd efforts to explore applications of the microbe in agriculture and pathogen monitoring underscore the wide-ranging impact of the discovery. As the company expands its product line and explores further uses of the microbe, it sets a precedent for marrying scientific exploration with practical applications, heralding a new era of food technology.

Read the full article here.

Essential Insights

  • Mark Kozubal: NASA researcher who discovered a unique microbe in Yellowstone's hot springs, leading to impactful food innovation.
  • Nature's Fynd: A Chicago-based startup that utilizes the microbe Fusarium str. Yellowstonensis to create sustainable protein products.
  • Fusarium str. Yellowstonensis (Fy): The microbe discovered by Kozubal in Yellowstone, which forms the base of Nature's Fynd's protein products.
  • Yellowstone National Park: Location of the microbe discovery, known for its vast thermal features and biodiversity.
  • Union Stockyards: Location of Nature's Fynd's production facility, symbolizing a shift from traditional meat production to innovative protein sources.
Tags: sustainability, vegan protein, Nature's Fynd, Yellowstone, innovation, space missions, biotechnology, environment